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slate Fever
An uncommon sickness that causes skin to become hard and brittle. Originating from the underdark and eventually making its way to the surface, Slate Fever propagates through contact with mosses and fungi contaminated with the disease, as well as through contact with the affected skin of those with the sickness.
Early symptoms include a slight gray discoloration of skin tone, uncomfortable stiffness, and unusual amounts of neck and back cracking when moving. The symptoms eventually progress to the point where the disease becomes noticeably gray and stiff, causing them to move in small, jerk-like motions and have their speed reduced by half. In addition, the diseased develops exceptionally brittle skin that cracks easily and painfully. This gives them vulnerability to bludgeoning damage and causes them to frequently make fortitude saving throws to avoid taking 1d4 damage from shattering parts of their skin with excessive contact.
The disease itself usually passes by itself over the course of one week resting and recuperating, but can be cured within 2 days if the diseased is properly treated with a combination of various tree saps. Catching this disease once results in the disease being more vulnerable to it in the future.
Summoning Sickness
Due to a teleportation spell gone wrong, your stomach and head are all turned around. Disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws until all your parts manage to realign properly.
Golden Tumor
The tumor starts as a small gold tumor then advances to the rest of the body.
Once the disease has run its course the subject's body is completely made of gold.
Over the course of 1d6 days, your soul slowly exits the body.
Over this time you may lose interest in a hobby or lose motivation in fighting the big bad, it can be stopped if you meet a cleric fast enough, but if not, you must acquire a vessel for the soul and roll disadvantage on all skill checks for 1d6 days or a become a disembodied soul
Burning Passion
A magical disease that causes you to get burns whenever you do something you love.
first degree for eating your favorite food. Second degree for practicing your hobby. Third degree when you express love to your closest ones.
Specter's Decay
The victim's soul and body separate but continue to move in unison. Without a soul the body rapidly degenerates and decays over the course of a year, however wherever the flesh forms holes or rips the ghost of the person continues to stand.
This continues until the body has completely decomposed and the ghost is left to wander the earth, unable to pass into an afterlife. This disease can rarely be contracted through contact with undead who have lingering souls.
this can either lead to the player having to roll up a new character or maybe an undead soul character. DM’s choice.
Other-Otherworldly Whispers
A mental illness that causes the afflicted to believe that they are receiving knowledge from another dimension. In truth, the advice & knowledge that they get are delusional.
The Afflicted tends to become a know-it-all, and the whispers encourage & bolster their cockiness.
Caster’s Cough
you have a nasty magical cough. Whenever you cast a spell, roll a d100. if you roll a 25 or under you roll on the wild magic table.
Hostile Cough
When someone infected coughs on another humanoid who isn't infected that person becomes hostile toward the person who coughed on them.
Hippogriff Hives
An itchy rash that makes it unbearable to wear armor or heavy clothing until it’s treated. Highly contagious via skin to skin contact.
Slippery Grime
Your skin constantly oozes a greasy fluid. Without shoes, you're liable to trip. Without gloves, you're liable to drop objects. The upside is that monsters will have a hard time grabbing your skin.
Acid blight
Slowly causes blood and other bodily fluids to become more and more corrosive. with every attack you make, 1d4 acid damage is dealt to you and the enemy.
Oil of Ferrosix
Slowly turns those infected into mindless Warforged. Highly contagious but can be cured or halted by golems and Warforged.
This diseases by over the course of 1d20 day replacing a beings racial trait and appearance with that of a warforged
Tinder Sickness
Gives you a dry cough and vulnerability to fire damage, you explode and die if you are dropped to zero hit points by fire damage.
Ser Avidore's Fire
Magical multi-colored rashes on the skin. Can sometimes flare up and deal a type of magical damage to those afflicted. Common among magic users.
Chronic Shrinking
A possible effect of transmutation magic gone wrong. The victim shrinks to one half their previous height every week until cured. This disease is contagious if anyone is near the victim for an extended period of time.
you vomit vigorously when attempting sexual contact. May be made to explicitly allow intimacy with one particular person. Intended for suspicious spouses, but accidentally found a cult following among emetophiles.
Third Eye Blind
Unable to communicate telepathically, but also unable to be targeted telepathically and is unaffected by any method that would not work on a creature without an intelligence. Recalling images from memory becomes hazy and unreliable.
Penalties to any checks to recall visual information from memory. This disease tends to present itself in those who have been the target of many unwanted telepathic intrusions.
Some humanoids are hereditarily predisposed to this disease, and may be afflicted upon after their first telepathic intrusion.
Transmutation Overload
This can happen if multiple transmutation spells occur at the same time on the same subject or subjects.
it deforms the subject to something in the middle of all of them, but also makes the sick immune to transmutation spells, no more room for magic on this body!
Cobblestone sickness
After a bite from a cockatrice, the body will slowly turn to stone. can only be healed by magic.
Displacer's Malalignment
Appears to be the common cold, but is actually a disease that can be deadly for magic users & planar travelers. Afflicted must make a wisdom will check to succeed in any teleportation spell or ability.
On a failed check, will move the afflicted 1d6ft in a random direction. Afflicted may be damaged or killed if teleported into a solid object.
This disease often causes magic users to be incredibly wary of those presenting symptoms of the common cold.
Spread through ingesting of bodily fluids, most commonly from the sneezes or runny nose of the afflicted.
Mana Allergy
You experience a mild allergic reaction to prolonged exposure to anything even slightly magical.
“Oh is that an achoo everburning torch? achoo!”
Arboreal Petrification, or The Dryad's Rot
They say to slay a dryad is bad luck. But killing a dryad who is ill or favored by the gods will surely inflict this disease should any of her sap touch your skin.
First, blindness and deafness slowly takes you, soon followed by sluggishness and fatigue. Then, your body begins to painfully turn, inside out, into the hard, coarse bark of an old dying tree. Your body rejects food, so you begin to starve.
You require ten times the amount of water you normally do, or you will die of thirst. Your limbs become too heavy to move and your skin takes the flaky, layered appearance of wood chips.
Your throat will eventually become thick and you will die of asphyxiation, and finally your body will be grown over with bark, and you will become a misshapen pile of vile sap and wood.
colloquially referred to as getting medusaed, your hair turns to snakes (yes all hair). they won’t turn people to stop, but they get a collective free action on their turn and deal a d4 of damage.
The only known treatments are a buzz cut or using a lot of shampoo.
A magic psychic ailment passed by proximity with the afflicted, Mindbane shows those suffering it The Things Man Was Not Meant To See.
Early stages of this ailment only seep into feverish nightmares, but later stages show unrelenting visions causing dissociation from reality, permanent psychosis, and even apparent death from insanity.
This ailment can arise organically from contact with certain creatures from outside the mortal world.
Medusa Rush
A slow growing petrification. Lasting as short a month to as long as several years the rash will slowly spread causing the flesh to turn to stone.
The disease is 100% fatal with the disadvantages becoming more pronounced as full limbs become petrified.
Green-Skinned Death
This disease causes the unfortunate afflicted bones to decay inside their bodies, becoming brittle and snapping with regular usage and movement. The one tell-tale sign is that the afflicted skin develops a pale green hue from the decay. The most common forms of death from this ailment are high blood toxicity and internal bleeding from a bone shard rupturing a vital organ.
each of your eyes view the world as if through a randomly-colored sheet of glass. Every day, the colors change. gain a -1 to all sight based rolls.
Magical Discord
You begin to lose connection to the forces of magic. Each day you lose 1 mana point until you’re cured.