Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Common Causes: Experiencing a prolonged critical stressful event, the brain recoils at even the slight recollection of the event.
Effects: You must go calculate your sanity pool immediately, rules on the main disease page. Minimum DC 15 but can be higher, the DM can choose to have the character roll a wisdom will save at the mere mention of whatever caused your PTSD. Upon a failure, your mind temporarily shuts down, making you incapacitated until you succeed on the will save, you can try once per 3 minutes. You also experience a symptom of a related illness until you succeed on the will save.
Depressive Episode
Bursts Of Angry
Paralyzing Levels Of Panic
Effects Of Other Illnesses You Can Think Of
Warning: After having PTSD for long, you may gain another mental illness just from PTSD itself. Whenever you have a PTSD attack, it activates the effects of all other mental illnesses as well.